I'm obsessed with feeling amazing! I eat right, exercise, meditate, the list goes on. So it's understandable that when I'm not in a good mood for longer than a few hours, I get pissed off!

I know my negative mood was partially due to this cold I have been dealing with and I guess my remedies are not working as quickly as I wished. But enough is enough! I mean, it's a gorgeous Sunday with the sun shining through the windows, and my boys are out to a Giant's game so the TV is not on all day, so I resolved to turn it all around!

  1. I literally turned myself around on my swivel chair (I like easy brain tricks) and reminded myself that I'm the boss of my mood!

  2. I got rid of mental and physical clutter. I set a timer for 10 minutes and cleaned my place. Anything more seems too overwhelming when I'm in one of these moods. Then I vented to my journal, you know, while doing leg lifts (see my multitasking video) and cleared mental space for gratitude and joy.

  3. Since I'm a little congested, in coconut oil, I mixed two drops of peppermint essential oil (gives me energy and a little pep) and two drops of orange essential oil for its mood-lifting effects and rubbed my chest. It works similar to Vick's.

  4. I wasn't up for a full-blown blood pumping workout, so I settled for my mega mood enhancer - my mini-trampoline. I created a playlist that consisted of these songs (see below) and started bouncing to the music. After 20 minutes, I felt a lot better and even picked up some weights to amplify my workout.

  5. I know Vitamins D is crucial for getting better quickly, so after taking few drops, I headed outside to soak up some sunshine! And guess what?! I feel incredible!

Bonus tips:

A. Put on something colorful that makes you feel good! Color therapy is a real thing! I love red! What color makes you feel happy?

B. Do something for someone else! Is there a selfless good act? Does anyone recall that "Friends" episode?? 

C. Listen to binaural beats, which are "a perception of sound created by your brain. If you listen to two tones, each at a different frequency and each in a different ear, your brain creates an additional tone you can hear. This third tone is called a binaural beat. You hear it at the frequency difference between the two tones." You can go to YouTube.com and search for "binaural beats for positive energy," and you will get a list of different recordings. The most important thing to remember is that you have to listen with your earphones on. I also listen to binaural beats when I have trouble sleeping. To learn more, click here.

My playlist:




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